Posts tagged ‘cute pictures’

Some Days Ya’ Just Go Blank


I wanted to write a post the was funny, witty and made you go, “ahhhhh.” Well, it ain’t happening so you are fair warned.

I’m just not up to snuff and that is the plain truth. Who would have thought that pulled muscles and bruised ribs would be that defeating? I have struggled all week and I think it has caught up with me because I am at that stage, you know the dreaded “has to be worse so it can get better” one? Well, I’m there. I can’t cough without it hurting and good God, please keep me from sneezing! I did that last night and thought I was gonna die or at least wished I would. Now if I even think I’m going to sneeze I break out in flop sweat and try to brace myself for the pain.  Now I’ve had some painful major surgeries in my life but this is way, way worse since I have to use those side muscles to do just about anything and everything and right now they don’t want to be used and are letting me know it.

I keep telling myself that soon, this too shall pass but dang it! I want it over and done with now!  Okay, enough bitching and moaning on my part. You didn’t stop in to hear that so I will just leave you with some things I found cute or funny and hope you do too. Maybe in a few days I will be more up to snuff as it were and have something brilliant to share. Okay, you know I’m losing it now don’t ya? Me brilliant? Naw….ain’t gonna happen.





Pretty Picture for the Day


Have a Great Day!


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too cute!

Delaney’s World Chuckle for the Day #168

It’s a beautiful day and I am sitting here typing this up while watching my husband put together our new BBQ grill that we got last night at Lowe’s. I’m thinking we are gonna have burgers later on to try this sucker out.

When you get older you seem to go with the “I deserve this” mentality because we got an upgrade from our last BBQ which was a small propane grill to this baby:


That baby is both propane and charcoal with a side burner and you can add a fire box on the charcoal side to make this a true long/slow smoker. Hubby is in BBQ Nirvana.

Okay, enough bragging about the grill. Let’s have some smiles courtesy of cute babies and kids 🙂

Cartoon for the Day


Quote for the Day


Pretty Picture for the Day


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Delaney’s World Chuckle for the Day #166


I’m actually ecstatic that it is Friday. Hubby should be home this afternoon and I am more than ready to see him. After almost 2 weeks apart I am ready to spend time with him. Yeah, after over 30yrs together I still miss him when we are apart.

I plan on having a great weekend. We are going out to my favorite restaurant, Sumo, which is a Japanese hibachi style place that also has a sushi bar. Hubby decided that since we have gone without for so long that we need a splurge since we have been very good and very careful with our finances and he has a really good check after 2 weeks out. I am really looking forward to our night out.

Now let’s have some smiles.




What happened to having some fun in the park?

What happened to having some fun in the park?

Cartoon for the Day


Quote or Saying for the Day


Pretty Pictures for the Day


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